Of the current outreach programs, Wednesday Night Dinner is the oldest, dating from 1990. Saturday Night Brown Bag Dinner followed in its footsteps and more recently the English Language Learning class gave us a new focus. In 2019 the Outreach Committee was established to further broaden our outreach efforts.

The Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee was formed in response to parishioners’ desire to become a healing presence in our community, particularly to serve the most vulnerable. The committee endeavors to support our neighbors both through hands-on volunteer work and through financial assistance. Shortly after the committee was formed, Church of the Holy Spirit received a generous, anonymous monetary gift, the income of which the vestry decided to dedicate to mission and outreach.
A major goal of the Outreach Committee is to aid our vulnerable neighbors on Vashon. Our projects reach out to both long-time islanders and new immigrants.
- A Lenten Giving Tree collected and distributed gifts to Islanders in need.
- Parishioners brought surplus from their gardens to share with church members and donate to the Food Bank.
- An Iftar dinner, the meal eaten when Muslims break their Ramadan fast at sunset, was hosted at the Church. This celebratory meal, prepared by local Syrian immigrant families, was shared with many Muslim families and other Vashon neighbors. We learned about Ramadan, and proceeds went to support refugees.
The committee also supported two talks, one aimed at educating the public on environmental concerns and one on immigration. We feel that both talks informed us and our community about conditions that affect all, but that affect the disenfranchised most dramatically.
- Rob Misel, an architect dedicated to caring for the environment and a parishioner, joined with his colleagues to speak about sustainable architecture and how buildings affect our environment (“Bringing the World of Sustainable Architecture to Your Doorstep”).
- Immigration lawyer Bob Gibbs, also a parishioner, talked about current procedures in US immigration—the intricacies of how immigrants become documented (“Myths and Reality of US Immigration”).
Newcomers are welcome to join the committee either as full members or as proponents for a specific project.

Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain is a confidential place to request prayers. Approximately 20 people are contacted by email and hold the person or situation before God. Requests may be made by anyone for anything. We affirm the power of prayer and the grace of allowing the spiritual to enter our daily lives.
Requests may be made via phone or email to the church office at office@holyspiritvashon.org or 206-567-4488. Special, one time prayers may also be included during Prayers of the People at the Sunday services.

Pastoral Care
Our trained pastoral care ministers visit, support and bring the love of our congregation to those who are not able to attend Sunday morning services. Many of our pastoral care ministers are also Eucharistic Visitors, and, on behalf of the whole community, bring the sacrament of the Eucharist to those who request it.